Sunday 20 July 2008

DeepZoom Composer Tag "Generator"

If you've read the previous two posts, they're about using the new Tag input of Deep Zoom Composer, you'll know that the tags you type in DZC can be used to filter your Deep Zoom Collection like this.

HOWEVER, you probably already add metadata to your photos (using a program like iTag), right?

Rather than RE-type into Composer, the attached project TagUpdater will 'post-parse' your Metadata.xml (after you've finished laying out your photos in DeepZoom Componser) and extract your Title, Description, Keywords (Tags) and Rating, which it will then save back to the XML.

Simply type this:
TagUpdater.exe "C:\...\ClientBin\GeneratedImages\Metadata.xml"

See this:

And it does this:

Then deep zoom away (use this post as a guide).

Note that TagUpdater currently extracts more metadata fields than Silverlight DeepZoom Tag Cloud example displays, but it's trivial to add more (such as the Title and Rating). Further, TagUpdater could be tweaked to extract camera data, GPS location and any other information to be saved in Metadata.xml for use in Silverlight.


Note: I borrowed the jpeg parser from Searcharoo, parts of which were originally written by Asim Goheer and Omar Shahine. It could be updated to use WIC.

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