Wednesday 18 March 2015

Microsoft Band SDK + Xamarin

Band-fans were happy to see Microsoft release their Java Android SDK for Microsoft Band a few weeks ago, and their Objective-C iOS SDK this week. Xamarin was then able to almost immediately release the Microsoft Band SDK component for iOS and Android, giving you the same functionality but entirely in C# for all three mobile platforms...

I decided to give it a try, converting my "magic eight ball" apps for Xamarin.Forms and Apple Watch to the Band. The idea is: you shake your wrist and the "prediction" appears on the Band!

It works because there is an Android app running on the paired phone, using the Band SDK. The app is tracking the Band's accelerometer, and using the readings to decide when you've shaken your wrist a couple of times.

When the shake-detection is triggered, the app picks a random number, pushes a new Tile onto the Band (if it doesn't already exist), and then sends a message for the tile with a random "prediction".

The Android app is simple, it contains only a Connect button to connect to the Band, and a Vibrate button to test the connection (plus a label that displays the "prediction" text that is sent to the Band).

The code for this Android sample is available on github, hopefully I'll get the iOS version running soon.

If you want to get more info about developing for the Band, check out Matt's detailed blogpost with code.

Finally, Microsoft built a quite detailed Android app that demonstrates all aspects of their SDK, and Matt did an amazing job of porting it to Xamarin - check that out too!