But for new MonoTouch developers it can be difficult to figure out how to create something in code. I've just been through this adding a
to the Monospace app... here are my (rather obvious) suggestions:- Autocomplete/Intellisense™ - the easiest and most obvious thing to try is reading through the properties and methods available to you via MonoDevelop. I got the
(mostly) working this way. - Interface Builder - look closely at the IB Inspector windows to get some ideas about the properties exposed.
- XIB file - further to the Inspector windows, the XIB file (in its weird XMLish format) might also give you some hints. Obviously this means you need to 'draw' the control/s in IB, but just roughly for inspiration...
- Objective-C references - for now most search results will be from Objective-C devs; it isn't hard to decode them (usually) so don't be dissuaded because it "looks different" :)
Try Miguel's Rosetta stone decoder for Objective-C classes/properties → MonoTouch - MonoTouch docs - last but not least, the documentation will help you. Bookmark it now.

in c#// Don't forget your using statements
// this example uses MonoTouch.MapKit
// as well as UIKit and Foundation
var segmentedControl = new UISegmentedControl();
segmentedControl.Frame = new RectangleF(20, 350, 282,44);
segmentedControl.InsertSegment("Map", 0, false);
segmentedControl.InsertSegment("Satellite", 1, false);
segmentedControl.InsertSegment("Hybrid", 2, false);
segmentedControl.SelectedSegment = 0;
segmentedControl.ControlStyle = UISegmentedControlStyle.Plain;
segmentedControl.ValueChanged += delegate {
if (segmentedControl.SelectedSegment == 0)
mapView.MapType = MonoTouch.MapKit.MKMapType.Standard;
else if (segmentedControl.SelectedSegment == 1)
mapView.MapType = MonoTouch.MapKit.MKMapType.Satellite;
else if (segmentedControl.SelectedSegment == 2)
mapView.MapType = MonoTouch.MapKit.MKMapType.Hybrid;
// And further down the code, don't forget to Add it!
Hello Craig,
ReplyDeleteA few days ago I posted a Rosetta stone document that can be used to translate Objective-C expressions into their equivalent C# ones:
Craig, I see that I need to set controller.NavigationBar.BarStyle to UIBarStyle.Default to make the nav bar gray, but what do I have to set so the UITabBar itself is the default gray?
ReplyDeleteMike, I'm not sure UITabBar has a grey version -- I've only ever seen it in black.
ReplyDeleteYou got me curious; a quick google turned up these links... the first one might help you make a grey TabBar, the other two are just for fun
Custom colors in UITabBar
UITabBar with a Custom Background
Preventing a UITabBar from applying a gradient to its icon images
Craig -
ReplyDeleteThanks for posting these excellent examples, it's really helping me get started with MonoTouch.
I've added a ViewController class file and I want to create a search form on it. I can add controls on it such as a UILabel, but I want to format the layout. What's the best way of doing this with the UIKit? Should I use UITableView with UITableViewCells to hold each row of the form?
ReplyDeleteAs you've stated, the most 'basic' way to build a form is just to use a UIView as a Canvas and start dragging controls on -- but then you do have a lot of formatting to make it "look nice" (adhering to the UI guidelines). So unless you've got a really complex/specific/non-standard layout in mind, the UITableView is a nice alternative.
See Apple's doco on Table View Cells (specifically, scroll down to the The Technique for Static Row Content section). That's one way to lay-out a form, and you'll see it a LOT in the built-in applications: the Contacts form is a good example. You don't have to draw all the cells in IB either, you can create them in code.
Before you go down that route I would strongly recommend you also give Miguel's Dialog project (example) a try for a very neat, MonoTouch/C# specific way to construct forms (and inputs). I'm not sure how 'style-able/customizable' the cells are in Miguel's solution (apologies Miguel - I haven't played with it enough yet!) but it would definitely simplify the creation of the majority of forms.
Finally - I'll just throw this in - you've mentioned a 'search form', so is there any reason why you can't express it with a single Search Bar? iPhone users are most used to seeing search in that format (from Maps and Mail to the core OS Search feature). I realise you might have 'advanced options' or something in mind -- but simplicity is the key to successful iPhone UIs so it's worth considering.