Tuesday 30 September 2014

iPhone 6 and 6 Plus LaunchScreen.storyboard for Xamarin

Following on from the previous post about adding launch images for iPhone 6 and 6 Plus, here are the instructions for adding a LaunchScreen.storyboard file instead of multiple fixed-size images. Apple's documentation recommends this method over using the static images. I used these instructions for replacing launch images with storyboards as a reference.

Configuring a LaunchScreen like this will automatically scale up your app for iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus devices. You might also want to consider adding @3x retina images for iPhone 6 Plus support.

1. Add a new Storyboard to your project and call it LaunchScreen.storyboard.

2. Drag a UIViewController in and design your launch screen. I chose a black background with some white centered text - it looks like this (use the VIEW AS option to preview in different sizes):
3. Open the iPhone application Project Options and scroll down to the iPhone Launch Images section. There is a new Launch Screen dropdown (currently in Beta) that will automatically be populated with the available storyboards and xibs in your project. Choose the storyboard you just added.
3a. This creates the following key in your Info.plist (just FYI):

4. When you build the app, appropriate launch images will be generated for your app. Here's a shot of the emulator starting up showing the launch image for iPhone 6:

I've updated my Xamarin.Forms Todo sample, the code and storyboard are available on github.

UPDATE: Gerry reminded me about Marco's experience where adding a LaunchImage.storyboard file causes iOS to ignore the UIDeviceFamily setting in Info.plist (which specifies iPhone/iPod, iPad, or Universal app) and upscale iPhone-only apps to full iPad screen size (potentially making your app look really weird!). This behavior still appears to occur on the simulator, so test before you launch :)

Monday 22 September 2014

iPhone 6 and 6 Plus Launch Images for Xamarin

I was initially stumped by how to get my Xamarin.iOS and Xamarin.Forms apps to size correctly on the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus. Thanks to this StackOverflow question & answer I have a solution - reposting here because the solution that works best for me right now is only the 3rd most popular answer there.

Simply create two new default images (this is for portrait only, but landscape will become obvious later):

Default-667h@2x.png for iPhone 6; dimensions 750x1334

Default-736h@3x.png for iPhone 6 Plus; dimensions 1242x2208

and place them in the application root or the Resources folder. Notice the filename format is similar to the Default-568h@2x.png image that Apple introduced for the iPhone 5 screen.

Now edit the source of your Info.plist file (open in a text editor so you can type XML directly) and add the following UILaunchImages key (the first two items are for iPhone 6, the others are for the older default image configuration):

<string>{375, 667}</string>
<string>{414, 736}</string>
<string>{320, 568}</string>
  <string>{320, 480}</string>

If you wish to support landscape images, add matching keys with Default-Landscape-???h filenames and specify the correct orientation and size.

Note that this is not Apple's preferred way of indicating support for the screen sizes. Their Launch Images doc says:

You use a launch XIB or storyboard file to indicate that your app runs on iPhone 6 Plus or iPhone 6.

which requires you to create a Storyboard or XIB using size classes. More on how to do that in this post, or head back to that StackOverflow post!

p.s. this iPhone 6 Screens Demystified post by PaintCode is awesome!

UPDATED: @jamesmontemagno informs me that you need to add the original 320x480 into the plist too, so I've added to the example above.